We then talked about Jesus going to the mountain to pray and Judas' betrayal, followed by Peter's denial. I shared with them how Jesus stood trial and how the people wanted a murderer released and Jesus killed. Will said, "But Jesus never did anything wrong."
I explained how men beat Jesus with sticks and whips and pressed a crown of thorns, like a hat made of needles, onto his head. They nailed him to the cross, pounding large nails through his wrists. We talked about the thieves on either side and the response of the soldier at the foot of the cross. I ended with Jesus' death, hoping to leave some suspense about what happened next.
I asked Will if he had any questions. He said, "What did they do with Jesus' dead body?" I gave him a teaser, saying we are going to look at that tomorrow. Then, Will said excitedly, "But then Jesus rose from the dead!" His enthusiasm united with mine as I gave him a high-five for the resurrection and told him that's what Easter is all about.
Explaining Christ's death to a 4-year-old is both sobering and exhilarating. It was sobering to talk about death with him because you don't know how a 4-yr-old will take it. It was exhilarating because he was zeroed in on the message. I'm praying for Will that the Spirit would continue to draw him to the day of salvation. In our family prayer time tonight, we thanked Jesus for His death/resurrection and prayed that people would hear that message this weekend and yield their lives to the Savior.
What about you? Where do you stand on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus? Have you put your trust in Him? Are you following Him? (for more info, click on the "2 Ways to Live" button to the right)
Are you regularly joining with other believers to celebrate Jesus and unite with them in fulfilling His commands? Jesus died for individuals and for the church (Rom. 5:8 & Eph. 5:25). We must obey him personally and in with a local body of believers.
"... and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised."
2 Corinthians 5:15